

来源:继续教育 2024-01-23 10:10:17 点击数:










As an admissions officer, I have the privilege of reading numerous essays from prospective students. These essays serve as a window into their lives, showcasing their unique experiences and aspirations. While there is no one-size-fits-all approach to writing an essay, there are certain elements that can make it stand out from the rest.

The first paragraph of an essay should grab the reader's attention and provide a glimpse into what will be discussed. It could be a captivating anecdote or a thought-provoking question that sets the tone for the entire piece. This initial paragraph serves as a hook to draw in the reader and make them want to continue reading.

The body paragraphs should delve deeper into specific aspects of the applicant's life or experiences. Each paragraph should focus on one main idea or theme and provide supporting evidence or examples. This helps to create a coherent flow throughout the essay and allows for better organization of thoughts.

In addition to providing evidence, it is important for applicants to reflect on their experiences and explain how they have shaped them as individuals. Admissions officers are not only interested in what applicants have done but also how those experiences have influenced their personal growth and development.

Transitions between paragraphs are crucial in maintaining coherence within an essay. Using transitional phrases such as "Furthermore," "In addition," or "On the other hand" helps guide readers through different ideas smoothly without abrupt changes in topic.

The conclusion paragraph should summarize key points discussed throughout the essay while leaving readers with something memorable to ponder upon. It could be a call-to-action, encouraging readers to think about certain issues raised by the applicant, or simply reiterating why they would be valuable additions to our institution.

In conclusion, crafting an exceptional admissions essay requires careful planning and attention to detail. By using engaging hooks at the beginning, organizing thoughts into coherent body paragraphs with supporting evidence, reflecting on personal growth, using transitions effectively, and ending with a memorable conclusion, applicants can create essays that stand out from the rest.




In recent years, the number of people taking the adult college entrance examination has been increasing rapidly. This phenomenon has attracted widespread attention and raised a heated discussion. In this essay, I will explore some possible reasons for this trend and discuss its implications.

Main Body 1: Convenience

One major reason for the popularity of the adult college entrance examination is its convenience. Unlike traditional college entrance exams, which require candidates to attend classes and study full-time, adults can prepare for the exam while working or taking care of their families. They have more flexibility in terms of time management and can choose to study at their own pace.

Main Body 2: Career Advancement

Another important factor contributing to the increasing number of adults taking the college entrance exam is career advancement. Many jobs nowadays require a higher level of education or specific qualifications. By obtaining a college degree through passing the exam, adults can enhance their competitiveness in job markets and increase their chances of promotion.

Main Body 3: Personal Development

Besides career advancement, personal development is also an important motivation for adults to take the college entrance exam. Some individuals may have missed out on higher education due to various reasons when they were young but still have a strong desire to learn and grow intellectually. The adult college entrance examination provides them with an opportunity to fulfill their dreams and broaden their horizons.


In conclusion, there are several reasons why more people are choosing to take the adult college entrance examination in recent years - convenience, career advancement, and personal development being among them. This trend reflects society's growing recognition of lifelong learning as well as individuals' aspirations for self-improvement. It is expected that this trend will continue to rise in the future.

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