

来源:继续教育 2023-12-01 16:10:15 点击数:



As an adult, the formation of one's perspective is a complex and ongoing process. It is influenced by various factors such as personal experiences, education, culture, and social interactions. In this essay, I will explore the development of an adult's perspective and how it shapes their understanding of the world.

Firstly, personal experiences play a crucial role in shaping an adult's perspective. These experiences can range from significant life events to everyday encounters. For example, someone who has experienced hardship or adversity may develop a more empathetic and compassionate outlook on life. On the other hand, positive experiences can foster optimism and resilience in individuals.

Secondly, education plays a vital role in forming an adult's perspective. Formal education provides individuals with knowledge about various subjects such as history, science, literature, and philosophy. This knowledge equips them with critical thinking skills that enable them to analyze information objectively and form informed opinions.

Culture also significantly influences an individual's perspective as they grow into adulthood. Cultural values shape beliefs about morality, ethics,and societal norms.These beliefs are often deeply ingrained within individuals from childhood but may evolve or be challenged over time through exposure to different cultures or ideas.

Furthermore,social interactions contribute greatly to the formation of one's viewpoint.As adults interact with people from diverse backgrounds,perspectives,and ideologies,it broadens their understanding of different viewpoints.They learn to appreciate diversity,different ways of thinking,and develop tolerance for differing opinions.Such interactions encourage critical thinking,fostering open-mindedness,and helping adults refine their own perspectives based on new insights gained through these exchanges.

In conclusion,the formation of an adult’s perspective is shaped by personal experiences,cultural background,social interactions,and formal education.These factors work together to create a unique lens through which adults view the world.The continuous growth,influence,and evolutionof these factors ensure that an adult's perspective is never static but rather a dynamic and ongoing process.


As an admissions officer, I am often asked about the importance of English writing skills for students. In today's globalized world, being able to communicate effectively in English is crucial for academic and professional success. Therefore, it is essential for students to develop strong English writing skills.

Firstly, having good English writing skills allows students to express their thoughts and ideas clearly. Writing is a powerful tool that enables individuals to articulate their opinions and arguments in a structured manner. Whether it is an essay or a research paper, the ability to convey ideas effectively through writing demonstrates critical thinking and analytical abilities.

In addition, proficient English writing skills are essential for academic success. Many universities require applicants to submit written essays as part of the application process. Admissions officers evaluate these essays not only based on content but also on grammar, vocabulary usage, and overall coherence of the piece. Students with strong English writing skills have an advantage when applying for scholarships or competitive programs.

Besides academic benefits, good English writing skills also enhance career prospects. In today's job market where international communication is prevalent across industries, employers value employees who can write clear and concise reports or emails in English. Effective written communication ensures that messages are conveyed accurately without any misinterpretation or confusion.

Furthermore, developing strong English writing skills can improve overall language proficiency as well. Writing requires attention to grammar rules and vocabulary usage which helps students reinforce their understanding of the language structure while expanding their vocabulary repertoire.

In conclusion, writing plays a significant role in both academic pursuits and professional endeavors. Therefore, it's important for students    +to focus on improving their English writing skills. By practicing regularly and seeking feedback from teachers or peers, students can enhance their ability to express themselves effectively in written English.





要注重词汇和句型的使用。在写作过程中,适当地运用一些丰富多样的词汇和句型可以提升文章质量。例如,在表达观点时可以使用“in my opinion”、“from my perspective”等短语来加强说服力;在列举理由时可以使用“firstly, secondly, finally”等连接词来使文章更有逻辑性。

还需要注意段落之间过渡自然流畅。每个段落都应该有一个主题句,并围绕这个主题句展开论述。在段落之间,可以使用一些过渡词或短语来使文章的结构更加紧密,如“however”、“on the other hand”等。



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